The first step was to move over to a new site at and that's what I've been beavering away at this last week or two. I've been glued to my computer screen, often with steam coming out my ears, as I tried to make sense of all the HTML code that determines how the blog looks and feels. It's been a steep learning curve, I can tell you, and not one I'd recommend to a novice blogger unless they're technically minded. It's just as well I'm a believer in life-long-learning and I'm sure these new skills will come in handy.
I've still got a fair bit of work to do in getting my new baby looking just so and in transferring my archive posts (all 185 of them). But although it's still work in progress, I'd like to lift the curtain a little and give you a sneak preview. So do head on over to and take a look.
It will be another week or two until I'm happy with it and until then, I'll be posting the same articles on this blog and on my new one. You can see that I've now got two blog pages, one for My Travel Blog and one for My Blogging Journey, which is where I'll write about what I've done to develop the blog and other blogging tips.
If you're a subscriber why not change your subscription now to , and if you enjoy the blog but don't yet subscribe, now could be the time to start, so you don't miss anything.
I'll keep you posted on when will finally take over from this blog - look forward to seeing you over there.
Related posts
My Blogging Journey
Choosing my Wordpress Theme
Some tips to keep readers on your blog
Back to my new blog home
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